Luxury decoration projects
Your project being unique, we write a new page of your history together, based on Martin Berger’s precious and singular creative universe.
Whether you have a precise idea for your project or you are looking for inspirations or creations in line with your brand platform (or your architect's signature), Ateliers Berger will mobilise their teams in a structured and organised project.
It all starts with the intention, the emotions you want to convey and the signature elements of your architectural project.
Then comes the inspiration, the sketches, the movement. Finally we add the search for materials, the right light, and colour.
We then work closely with you and your teams to specify the scope of the final creative project, including
– at your express request
– the production of samples or the inclusion of the chosen décor in a digital model that you can present to your clients.
Once the technical validations of your spaces have been carried out, the creation of your décor commences, with the annotation and classification of its choreography and components. Then, to create your décor, the savoir-faire, experience and quality requirements of our atelier are put into play in the tradition of responsible French artisanship.
This creation stage is carried out either onsite by our craftsmen or in our workshops thanks to our Décor Signature® system, allowing the creation to be dissociated from the installation. The creations are then shipped anywhere in the world with thorough installation guides that can be used by your local teams.
The reception of the project is an important step that we carry out together to ensure the satisfaction of your final customer.
Project management with Ateliers Berger is characterised by :
- A close and trusting relationship with your project teams ensured by a dedicated Ateliers Berger project manager
- A precise description of the project stages and their planning
- Committed, experienced and digitalised teams to make exchanges and production more fluid and reactive
Movement, Light, Emotion
It all starts with the intention, the emotions you want to convey and the signature elements of your brand.
Martin Berger and his teams then research and immerse themselves in your brand universe.
Then comes the inspiration, the sketches, the movement combined with the search for materials, the effect of light, and colour.
We then work closely with you and your teams to choose the final creative project, including
– at your express request
– the production of samples or the inclusion of the chosen décor in a digital model that you can present to your managers.
Once the technical validation of your spaces has been carried out, your Décor Signature® is created. The choreography and components are listed so that your exceptional décor can be duplicated and adapted to each of your shops.
Then, to create your finish, the savoir-faire, experience and high-quality standards of the atelier combine in the tradition of French artisanship and in an environmentally responsible manner.
The installation is then carried out on site or by local teams with digital installation guides thanks to our technical innovation of Décor Signature® system, which allows the creation to be separated from the installation.
The project reception stage receives particular attention. You can then deploy your Décor Signature® in all your locations, as a new attribute of your brand platform.
Project management with Ateliers Berger is characterised by :
- A close and trusting relationship with your client's project teams, ensured by a dedicated project manager.
- A precise description of the project stages and their planning.
- Committed, experienced and digitised teams to make exchanges and production more fluid and reactive.
- The respect of the Décor Signature® for each client by the Ateliers Berger, guaranteeing the uniqueness of your décor and its replicability in all your shops and reception areas.
- We take care of the packaging in made-to-measure boxes, and – if you wish – the logistical and administrative management of transport for deliveries anywhere in the world.
Movement, Light, Emotion
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